Admission Department
Лосевич Ольга Валерьевна
Заведующий приёмным отделением терапии
телефон: +37517-245-91-71
График приема граждан по личным вопросам заведующим отделением:
Понедельник 15:00-16:00,
Четверг 10:00-11:00,
2-й этаж терапевтического корпуса.
Специализация: терапия.
Стаж работы: свыше 15 лет.
Квалификационная категория: высшая.
OlgaV. Losevich
Chief of the Department
Phone: +37517-245-91-71
Reception Hours:
- Monday from 3.00PM to 4.00PM
- Thursday from 10.00AM to 11.00AM
- 2nd floor of the Internal Medicine Facility
Elena I. Kondratenya
Chief Nurse
Phone: +375 17-299-56-19
The admission department is a division of the 6th City Clinical Hospital. It provides 24/7 medical care. The specialists perform diagnosis and provide relevant care to the patients. They may also consult with surgeons, neurologists, gynecologists, trauma and orthopedic surgeons, otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists and psychiatrists, where necessary. The Chief of the departments, the Deputy Chief Physician may also be addressed. Councils may be arranged.
The department is located on the 2nd floor of the Internal Medicine Facility
Phone numbers:
+375 17 245-91-71, Chief of the Department
+375 17 245-94-54, Staffroom
+ 375 17 245-87-41, Reception
+ 375 17 245-87-41, Fax