Methods of payment
Raschet is an automated information system of the common settlement and information space (AIS ERIP) developed by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus with a view to facilitating acceptance of payments made by individuals and legal entities (, call center 141)
You may easily make any payment in a bank, on-line bank or mobile bank, bank terminal or ATM, etc. (list of customer service points).
We accept cash, e-cash and credit cards.
If you make a payment in a bank, please, inform a cashier that the payment is to be made via Raschet System (ERIP).
If you are going to make a payment yourselves, please, follow the payment procedure below (note: you need a contract number to make a payment):
- Select Raschet System (ERIP)
- Select Minsk → Social services, Health care → Hospitals→ 6th City Clinical Hospital
- Enter a contract number
- Check the entered data
- Make a payment