Russian Belarusian English

+375 17 245-10-01

+375 17 398-86-43

Maternity hospital:
+375 17 245-18-31

Paid Services:
+375 17 377-09-37

Department of Trauma and Orthopedics for Children

The capacity of the department is 50 beds.

Деменцов Андрей Борисович

Деменцов Андрей Борисович

Заведующий детским травматолого-ортопедическим отделением

Врач травматолог-ортопед высшей категории, кандидат медицинских наук, доцент

телефон: +37517-398-93-37

График встреч заведующего отделением с родственниками пациентов:

ежедневно (по будням): 8.30 – 10.00; 14.30 – 15.30, в свободное от лечебной работы время.

Городской клинический центр травматологии и ортопедии, детское травматолого-ортопедическое отделение, 2-й этаж.

Специализация: травматология и ортопедия.

Стаж работы: более 20 лет

Квалификационная категория: высшая.

Ученая степень: кандидат медицинских наук.

Ученое звание: доцент.

Valentina I. Gatsko

Chief Nurse

Phone: +375-17-245-84-11.

Trauma and orthopedic surgeons of the Department:

  • Oleg A. Odintsov, higher qualification category physician;
  • Sergey N. Dolgikh, first qualification category physician;
  • Vladimir V. Tikhonovich, first qualification category physician.


The Department of Trauma and Orthopedics for Children was established in 1976. In 2003, the department was reconstructed. The capacity of the department is 50 beds. Today, it is a division of the City Clinical Center for Trauma and Orthopedics of the 6th City Clinical Hospital. The specialists of the department provide specialized inpatient care to children with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The children from all over the country as well as children from other countries (on a paid basis) may undergo treatment here. Our specialists carry out unique surgeries for fractions and some orthopedic diseases using image intensifiers. They perform all types of diagnostic procedures and treatment (ultrasound examinations, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray examinations, and arthroscopy).


We use both the advanced minimally invasive procedures (arthroscopy, reduction and fixation of dislocations and fractions under the guidance of the image intensifier) and the traditional methods (closed reduction, diafixation, plaster immobilization, skeletal traction, compression-distraction osteosynthesis).


The Department of Trauma and Orthopedics for Children is one of the clinical bases of the Department of Trauma and Orthopedics of Belarusian State Medical University. M.A. Gerasimenko, Associate Professor, Doctor of Medicine, supervises the activities of the Department. The staff of the Department of Trauma and Orthopedics of Belarusian State Medical University are involved in all activities of Department of Trauma and Orthopedics for Children, i.e. they do weekly rounds, provide consultations, discuss cases at conferences and councils, perform surgeries, etc.


The Department of Trauma and Orthopedics for Children is located on the 2nd floor of the Trauma Facility

Contact phones:

+375-17-398-93-37, Chief of the Department

+375-17-245-50-39, Staffroom

Reception hours, consultations with attending physicians: Monday to Friday from 2.00PM to 3.00PM, or when the medical specialists do not perform the routine activities

+375-17-245-50-39, Nurses station No.1 (wards No.1-9)

+375-17-245-50-39, Nurses station No.2 (wards No.10 – 17).


The medical specialists provide consultations in accordance with referrals issued by the physicians from all health care establishments of Minsk and the Republic of Belarus. They also provide paid consultations.

All consultations are provided from 12.00PM to 3.00PM on working days in the staffroom or the Chief’s of the Department room. The consultation schedule is available in the department. A consulting physician’s full name is specified in the schedule.


Before visiting, please, take off your outer clothing and put on a gown. Make sure your shoes are clean or use shoe guards. Only one person may visit a patient at once. Children are not admitted in order to prevent the spread of pediatric infectious diseases.

You may visit patients

  • on working days from 5.00PM to 7.00PM;
  • on weekends and public holidays from 11.00AM to 1.00PM, from 5.00PM to 7.00PM.

You need to get a permit from the Chief of the Department or attending physicians to visit bed patients. Visiting hours are from 9.00AM to 7.00PM (except for the rest-time from 3.00PM to 5.00PM) on the days stated in the permit.